Adrianne Burgess PhD, RNC-OB, CCE, C-ONQS, CPHQ
Director Perinatal and Neonatal Quality and Patient Safety - Maryland Patient Safety Center
Dr. Burgess is the Director of Perinatal and Neonatal Quality and Patient Safety at the Maryland Patient Safety Center. Dr. Burgess has over 25 years of healthcare experience holding clinical, educational, administrative, and quality improvement positions. She has led numerous interdisciplinary team projects, several which won national awards for the innovative strategies used to improve maternal and child health outcomes, including awards from Safe Healthcare for Every Woman, Association of Women’s Health Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, and the Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Burgess publishes and presents regularly on the topic of maternal child health clinical quality and is active on several AWHONN committees, where she also serves as the current chair for the Pennsylvania state section.